These links are provided to you in case you do not receive it from Mindbody in time to take the class. To sign up/pay for classes, go to this page: CLASS SIGN UP/SCHEDULE
Monday - 6:00pm Jazz Dance Basics with Jen Cuevas
Meeting ID: 820 3221 1278
Passcode: 227893
Tuesday/Thursday - 10:30am Ballet with Kristine Elliott
Meeting ID: 832 7405 9251
Passcode: 291375
Tuesday - 6:00pm Int/Adv Jazz with Daynee Lai-Krauss
Meeting ID: 869 9646 1254
Passcode: 319569
Wednesday - 6:00pm Adv Beg/Int Ballet with Kristine Elliott
Meeting ID: 841 5953 7533
Passcode: 511468
Thursday - 9:00am Modern with Zohar Instructors
Meeting ID: 829 8040 7477
Passcode: 620783
Tuesday/Thursday - 10:30am Ballet with Kristine Elliott
Meeting ID: 832 7405 9251
Passcode: 291375
Thursday - 6:00pm Int/Adv Jazz with Vivian Sam
Meeting ID: 835 3050 8117
Passcode: 657774
Saturday - 9:15am Modern with Zohar Instructors
Meeting ID: 829 8040 7477
Passcode: 620783
Saturday - 11:15am Mixed Level Jazz with Daynee Lai-Krauss
Meeting ID: 886 5840 7061
Passcode: 728219
Saturday, March 1 - 1:00pm Ballet with Linda Hurkmans
Meeting ID: 849 1457 0678
Passcode: 480736
Sunday - 9:30am Mixed Level Jazz with Vivian Sam
Meeting ID: 840 8742 2136
Passcode: 274074