These links are provided to you in case you do not receive it from Mindbody in time to take the class. To sign up/pay for classes, go to this page: CLASS SIGN UP/SCHEDULE
Monday - 6:00pm Jazz Dance Basics with Jen Cuevas
Meeting ID: 820 3221 1278
Passcode: 227893
Tuesday/Thursday - 10:30am Ballet with Kristine Elliott
Meeting ID: 832 7405 9251
Passcode: 291375
Tuesday - 6:00pm Int/Adv Jazz with Daynee Lai-Krauss
Meeting ID: 869 9646 1254
Passcode: 319569
Wednesday - 6:00pm Adv Beg/Int Ballet with Kristine Elliott
Meeting ID: 841 5953 7533
Passcode: 511468
Thursday - 9:00am Modern with Zohar Instructors
Meeting ID: 829 8040 7477
Passcode: 620783
Tuesday/Thursday - 10:30am Ballet with Kristine Elliott
Meeting ID: 832 7405 9251
Passcode: 291375
Thursday - 6:00pm Int/Adv Jazz with Vivian Sam
Meeting ID: 835 3050 8117
Passcode: 657774
Saturday - 9:15am Modern with Zohar Instructors
Meeting ID: 829 8040 7477
Passcode: 620783
Saturday - 11:15am Mixed Level Jazz with Daynee Lai-Krauss
Meeting ID: 886 5840 7061
Passcode: 728219
Saturday, March 1 - 1:00pm Ballet with Linda Hurkmans
Meeting ID: 849 1457 0678
Passcode: 480736
Sunday - 9:30am Mixed Level Jazz with Vivian Sam
Meeting ID: 840 8742 2136
Passcode: 274074
The City of Palo Alto will begin work for the temporary fire startion. Please allow extra time to park and walk to Zohar. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Parking.