Ehud Krauss, 70, beloved Palo Alto dance teacher and Founder and Artistic Director of Zohar School of Dance passed away at his home on October 15, 2016.
Ehud Krauss was born and raised on a Kibbutz in Israel. Ehud was a member of the Israeli Olympic Volleyball team when a back injury led him to discover his passion for dance. Ehud studied dance with Alvin Ailey, Martha Graham, Robert Joffrey, Gus Giordano, and Luigi in New York, and performed as a soloist and principal dancer in Europe, Canada, and the United States. An accomplished performer and choreographer, Ehud has been a fixture in the bay area dance community for over 35 years.
Ehud started teaching in local high schools and community colleges and founded Zohar School of Dance in Palo Alto in 1979. A gifted choreographer, Ehud’s innovative jazz works inspired and moved audiences with their beauty and range. Always forward thinking and wanting to bring the dance community together, he began Dance Mosaic, an annual summer dance festival bringing all dance forms together on a single program. It was during this time that Ehud’s true vision of making dance available to all that he began the outreach program IndepenDANCE for children in East Palo Alto that had no afterschool programs. That program, which began with 30 middle school-aged girls being bussed to Zohar’s dance studio on California Avenue, soon expanded to 6 elementary schools in East Palo Alto with Ehud building a dance studio with sprung-wood floors at each site. At its peak, IndepenDANCE was at 3 high schools, 2 middle schools, and 10 elementary schools and included 4 instructors with classes in East Palo Alto, Redwood City and San Jose. Never shying away from a challenge, Ehud worked with the most serious offenders in Juvenile Hall and taught Juvie Jazz at both Santa Clara County and San Mateo Juvenile Halls. His influential work led to the development of a course at Stanford University entitled “Dance in Prisons” and provided graduate students with first hand exposure to the Hall, teaching dance to youths that have never had formal dance lessons, and hearing about their stories.
With his constant desire to grow as a teacher, Ehud taught children with special needs. He had a special gift of making everyone feel as though they could dance. No matter what the disability… sight, hearing, wheelchair-bound, Autism or Downs Syndrome, Ehud would work his magic and make even the observer participate. These programs exemplify Ehud’s vision and commitment to serving the community through dance and sharing the splendor of dance.
Zohar Dance Studio under the direction of Ehud and his wife Daynee, has brought the joy, artistry and spirit of dance to the community through classes in jazz, ballet, and modern dance in Palo Alto since 1979. The studio continues to offer adult classes with the Bay Area’s finest teachers committed to providing professional dance instruction and the opportunity to perform. Students range from beginning aspiring artists and dedicated amateurs to professional dancers all enjoying the splendor that dance brings.
In his spare time, Ehud loved to fish, bike and spend time with Daynee and their daughter, Maile. Ehud is survived by his wife, Daynee and daughter, Maile. And in Israel his mother, Yehudit, sister, Michal Sadur and brother, Nir.
The Splendor of Zohar is evident through its dedication to promoting dance as an art form and as a catalyst for personal development. Guided by the artistic vision of Daynee Lai-Krauss and Vivian Sam, you will experience a colorful canvas of motion that will fascinate your palate for dance.
Zohar School of Dance offers ongoing adult classes in jazz, ballet, and modern. Equipped with theatre lighting, the studio is available to community members and artists as an intimate performance space as well as for classes, workshops and rehearsals. Zohar has made Palo Alto its home since 1979.
Zohar School of Dance and Company is a non-profit organization based in Palo Alto, California. Founded by Ehud Krauss in 1979 and directed by Daynee Lai-Krauss and Vivian Sam, Zohar offers an Open Program of dance classes for adults in jazz, ballet, contemporary, modern, and musical theatre dance.
Zohar is very committed to community involvement. In addition to the studio, Zohar supports the dance community through a performance series that brings together new and established artists in performances held in its space and providing individuals with a professional facility to create and present performances.
Zohar is dedicated to making dance accessible, inclusive, vibrant, relevant and integral to its community.
Zohar Dance Studio is dedicated to inspiring the individual through the study of dance, encouraging artistic development in both the individual and dance community, and providing a professional facility that is inclusive.
4000 Middlefield Road L4, Palo Alto, California 94303
The City of Palo Alto will begin work for the temporary fire startion. Please allow extra time to park and walk to Zohar. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Parking.