All classes must be signed up for/paid for prior to coming into the studio.
If you do not have an account, be sure to create your Zohar Mindody account.
Online (zoom) classes, Master classes, Workshops cannot be signed up for on a mobile device. You need to do that on a computer.
10:00am-11:45am Int/Adv Level Ballet with Augusto Silva
6:00pm-7:30pm Mixed Level Tap with Lee Ann Payne
10:30am-12:00pm Int/Adv Level Ballet with Kristine Elliott
6:00pm-7:30pm Int/Adv Level Jazz with Daynee Lai-Krauss
10:00am-11:45am Int/Adv Level Ballet with Charles Torres
6:00pm-7:30pm Adv Beg/Int Level Ballet with Kristine Elliott
9:00am-10:30am Int/Adv Level Modern with Zohar Instructors
10:30am-12:00pm Int/Adv Level Ballet with Kristine Elliott
6:00pm-7:30pm Int/Adv Level Jazz with Vivian Sam
10:00am-11:45am Int/Adv Level Ballet with Augusto Silva
9:15am-11:00am Int/Adv Level Modern with Zohar Instructors
11:15am-1:00pm Mixed Level Jazz with Daynee Lai-Krauss
9:30am-11:00am Mixed Level Jazz with Vivian Sam
DROP IN - $25
4 CLASS CARD - $92/$80
8 CLASS CARD - $184/160
Class cards must be used in 2 months
NO Refunds
Workshops, Master Classes, Intensives - Please look at description for fee
All classes must be reserved and paid for online.
NO walk-ins!
Sign up for in-person class at least 5 minutes prior to class.
Arrive up to 15 minutes prior to your class. Ballet can arrive 20 minutes prior to class.
Cancellation Policy: You must cancel 24 hours in advance or you will be charged for class.
If you need to cancel less than 24 hours prior to class due to health, email Daynee directly at to cancel without penalty. Your class will be credited to your account to apply to another class. Please note that we do not offer refunds.
Bring your own towel, mat, if you need one. Body oil and lotions can make the dance floor slippery!
NO STREET SHOES on the dance floor.
Zohar is asking of our community to please stay home if you are not feeling well and/or have symptoms (fever, runny nose, cough, etc). We want to continue protecting everyone in our community.
We will continue to support, at our teacher's discretion, their mask requirements. At this time, no instructor is requiring masks.
Be respectful of everyone's personal space.
After class - Please leave promptly.
The City of Palo Alto will begin work for the temporary fire startion. Please allow extra time to park and walk to Zohar. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Parking.